You Think You Know - But You Have No Idea

Monday, January 24, 2011

Poor Lifting Technique

Saw this video thanks to a facebook post by Jaime Rodriguez one of the full time coaches I worked with at MBSC this summer. He pointed out the bad clean form specifically, so I watched and had to agree and thus had to write about it.

The link is below, it is a video of the 'pre nfl combine training' by Brandon Graham a UMich fb player... watch the video and make your own thoughts/ideas

I am not really sure where to begin, but I guess watching his form makes me thankful that I was able to intern at such a wonderful place like MBSC where they take the time to teach/show/coach the athletes exactly how to do a certain exercise, so videos like this dont occur and injuries dont occur. Unfortunatly not every school, facility or coach spends as much time and energy to do this I am beginning to learn, and that is upsetting to me.

Obviously with every lift or exercise you don't have to be as 'anal' or observant I am also beginning to learn. For instance so what if an athlete/client isn't getting to exactly parallel during a squat. It will not hurt the athlete/client and it is not the end of the world. However, with the olympic/power lifts injuries can occur more easily and form/technique should be taught, and coached properly as well as observed with a more keen eye.

Anywho just a short little entry that I thought would be good to write about thanks to that video Jaime posted.

Coach KIK

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