You Think You Know - But You Have No Idea

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Week 4 MBSC

So we finished week 4 of the summer session at MBSC. That means for the most part we started phase 2 with the athletes. My complaint is that unlike Phase 1 in which we had a week of prep to learn how to do and coach the exercise, we did not have this in Phase 2. This was upsetting and frustrating bc I felt as though we (the interns) were more or less thrown in on Monday expecting to know what to do and how to do it. And per usual each coach demos/cues the exercises differently. So it is hard to correct an athlete bc u dont wnat to send them mixed messages or step on the 'head coaches' toes. Thats my over all feel for last week.

Day 1 - went pretty smoothly the intern house opened up. I jumped in with Marco for a 645 college group Molly and Christy the two hockey girls that live in the house are in this group. It was a fun group to work with. I also worked with Nicole's 915 college women's group, and an 11:30 (i think) group.

Day 2 - pretty similar to yesterday however I was with Kevin Carr for the 715 college group this time. After 1 week of worknig with them I like this group its not the 6pm but it is still a good group of kids. Hockey/Flockey players mostly. I again worked with Nicole with her 915 things went well and I began to ease into this group. Again I jumped in with a 1130 or something group.

Day 3 - worked with Kevin and the 715 group started to get more comfortable with them. Worked with Nicole again, I lead them through the entire warmup (Tom helped too I believe). I did screw up once I forgot that knee hug from phase 1 becomes knee hug to lunge in phase 2. Nicole called me out on this, but she didnt seem too upset. Other then that I did well. This was a linear day FYI.

Day 4 - same as the rest of the week. Nicole pulled me aside during the end of the 915 group since Michelle and Tom were also helping out. We had a good convo she was just trying to get some fedback etc out of me. She more or less gives off the vibe that she is trying to mold me into a mini/big her (big bc I'm about 6 in taller lol). I would be okay being a mini her but I do want to work at a college eventually. Evan took us through the workout which was a good change. And we had a heart to heart after in which we gave him fedback about how things were going. We all seemed to feel the same way about being confused on phase 2 and how we're gettin mixed signals etc. It is hard to work with so many diff coaches and athletes but its also a good learning experience. You should be so confident that you can walk into any facility with any athletes and blow the roof off lol more or less something cheesy Even prolly said but he is right.

My confidence is starting to come out. I am still struggling with making sure anyone and everyone knows who I am. I also think I have problems with that bc I am either used to having a difficult name to say/remember or whatever. So introducing myself is like a task/chore or something. That is going to be my goal for the week since I'm working with 2 new groups this coming week.

I also told Nicole about my goal of being a college head sc. So, I requested to be placed with Anthony or Kyle and their fb groups. She honored my request admediatly and this week I am with Kyle for a 1045 fb group. I will have to remember to thank her kindly tomorrow for doing that and doing it the day after I said someithng! I know she is tough on me and sometimes I think she can be a you know what. But, I think she sees something in me so she is just hard on me bc she thinks I could be good at coaching. Or at least I hope so.

Anywho, got to rest up for tomorrow I have like 3 groups in a row basically! WOW! Also, looking forward to my dad and CBOK to be here on thursday. Gotta remember to tell Coach Boyle about that tomorrow. Can't wait! THis is gonig to be an AWESOME week! Im really gunna step it up and put myself out there.

With Strength, Coach KIK

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