You Think You Know - But You Have No Idea

Monday, June 7, 2010

How it all began

I decided to start off by thinking about "how it all began." Where did this passion for coaching people (esp athletes) on Strength and Conditioning come from? I guess I could start off by blaming my father Bruce Kelly. But that would be too easy. However, that is a part of it. My father has been a part of the 'fitness/personal training/health/s&C' field for over 20 years now, that number is according to him, I think it is more around 10-15, but who really knows. So, obviously growing up with a dad such as mine, as was automatically integrated into this area.

I went to my first conference in the field when I was 19. It was the NSCA 2008 Sports Specific Conference, in Anaheim Cali. Since then I have also been to 2008&2010Perform Better Conference, and the 2008&2009 Strength & Conditioning/Athletic Development Conference (Loyola University).

But things go back before that, I didnt randomly go to a conference and fall in love with everything. I apparently had a passion before going to my first conference. I don't remember exactly when or how but I do remember in my later years of HS helping my dad coach different teams on strength & conditioning. My father was involved with some of my HS's (and other HS's) sports programs, and would come sporadically to help train the teams. I would go with him and assist with drills/exercises.

But, even before I was helping my dad, I was an athlete. My first memory of being an 'athlete' was when I was probably 5. My parents, at the time, were involved of the 'recreational' Track and Field Team in my home town, Swarthmore PA. And my brother, who is 18 months older was a member of the team. Going to practice week after week, and most likely being bored, led me to the brilliant philosophy of 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'. Or maybe, 'when in Rome, do as the Romans'. So, naturally in my pink Little Mermaid sandals, and most likely some God awful outfit my mother had me dressed in, I began to run. I raced the 'older kids' who were on the gravel track, while I was on the grass.

I would regret to leave out the fact that I was skiing years before this occured. Sadly enough, I do not remember my first time skiing. I am not sure if this because putting a child on skis before they're 2 is probably considered child abuse, or because I was just too young to remember the mountain. But, either way I was a Steamboat Springs Colo 'snow bunny' if you will from a very young age. Apparently so young I dont remember. Eventually, to my dads worse desire, I turned to the 'dark side' about 8 years ago and began snowboarding as well.

Eventually, I assume I became involved in a more appropriate, less sketchy way. I guess I could say I have been competing in T&F for 16 years or so. Track was my sport of choice, I excelled into HS, and was a state wide competitor in HS. I was recruited for college track, and choose to be a Richmond Spider. Unfortunately, my freshman year was the only year I was 'healthy'. After that it was one issue after another, but I am determined to give track one last try when I go to Graduate School.

Besides track I was an avid Swimmer and Diver during the summers, and sometimes winters as well. From 3-6 grade I played baseball with the boys. I was a soccer player from grade 3-11 and a basketball player from 3-9. There were also the dreadful 'raquet' sports that I fiddled with but never really liked possibly because I wasn't the best at them.

To this day I still consider myself an athlete. I plan on returning to the track in Grad school, and eventually begin playing soccer on a team again. I also plan to begin road racing, and doing bi/tri athalons when I 'retire' from 'college' sports.

So my recall of 'how it all began' is a little blurry. Maybe someday I will remember the exact moment when I decided I loved strength and conditioning. Until then, this will have to do.

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