You Think You Know - But You Have No Idea

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Perform Better Summit Day 1

The first speaker I went to was Martin Rooney, who was actually the person who convinced me to begin writting. One of his slides were Rooney's Numbers to Success (or something like that). I am to read 20 pages a day, and write 10 pages a month (at least I hope I got that correct). Seeing as I just finished college and spent my time reading way too much (sociology and spanish major with a concentration in spanish lit), I am not keen on jumping back into reading too much. Writting on the other hand is something I can do. Anywho, I digress. So, the night I got home I set up a blog, the following day I wrote my first entry. And 2 days later I am at it again.

Martin Rooney - he is one of Parisi Speed Schools guys. I have heard him speak before, I believe at the same conference in 08. He is very easy to listen to because he gets WAY excited for things. It is fun, interesting, entertaining etc. It was a great lecture for me seeing as I am still 'wading' in the shallow end of S&C.

Al Vermeil - The Godfather as some might call him. He is in his 60s and has been around for over 30 years. He has championship rings in 2 pro sports! I went to his hands on which was all about Speed. He was very good, but he does tend to speak in circles at times. Non-the less he is brillant.

Fraser Quelch - my first of many encounters with Canadians this weekend. Fraser is a TRX guy, and very outdoorsey. He looks the part too ;). He talked about bodyweight training, surprise being a TRX man. hah. Although it was not a hands on, Fraser turned it into a hands on. He had us up doing different lunging/reaching motions so we could feel how our different muscles activate etc. It was interesting and fun. Not much room to move though with all the chairs!

Mike Boyle - My soon to be mentor. I went to Coach Boyle's hands on. I thought that would be more benefitial to get an idea of what type of stuff I will be coaching/doing. It was fun, most of the things I knew from previous knowledge or reading his first book, some things were new though. I need to learn how to ROLL!

Lee Burton - A FMS guy. He talked about Core Training and Assessing, I thought this would be good for me considering I have a herniated back I am still fighting with. His hands on was great! Of course he did FMS things, some were new to me, some old. All was great! It really made me relate due to my back.

Thomas Plummer - Mr. Plummer is on the other side of things, if you will. He is a buisness man, and a very good one. He spoke last time in 08, and his lecture was similar. To make matters short he is loud, he is rude (not the bad kind), he is funny, he is intense. Basically crazy (not in a bad way). He does basically tell us all that we're terrible buisness people and we will never have money. We work 90 hrs a week, for little money, but we dont care. We dont consider it a job etc. Basically hit the nail on the head for our profession.

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