You Think You Know - But You Have No Idea

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

MBSC Training Day 3

Another long and hard day! My body hurts! :(

So we started today at 11am for our workout. We did the lateral mvmnt warm up. This consisted of some of the same stuff as yesterday, but not all. The stretches were the same.

Activation: Band Pull series (in front like a reverse fly) (diagonal in front of the body) (down/back starting above head and pulling down and out and behind head) X-Band walk (athletic stance, arms straight over head holding band, mini lateral steps)

Mobility: 1/2 kneeling ankle mobility (medial, lateral, nuetral), lat leg swings, split squat, lat squat, 'rotational' squat (90* at hips), single leg SLDL

Warm Up: lateral skip, cross behind skip, cross infront skip, shuffle, carioca (and no you can not pop you leg up like a runner :( haha) lateral crawl (push up position walk sideways)

Agility Ladder: 'icky shuffle' with stick, cross in front, cross behind, 2 in 2 out (frwd and lateral), scissors

Ploys: 1 leg hurdle hop (lateral, medial)

Med ball: standing overhead pass, 1/2 kneeling side throw (rotation in thoracic spine, fixed lower body).

After all of that, we re-did yesterdays lift. We went through fairly quickly so we could finish up.

After our workout we went over the rest of the workouts/exercises with Coach Boyle. Most of it is repetitive so things went fast. I was praised for asking a lot of questions. May or may not have caught Coach Boyle off gaurd, good things resources tell me he likes that. haha (Are 'B' Skips pointless for track athletes, except maybe hurdles/stepple/jumpers?)

We stayed and workout and talked to a few of the coaches afterwards. Got praise for that too. Looking forward to catching Coach Boyle off gaurd some more, in a good way that is.

In eineacht le near, KIK

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