You Think You Know - But You Have No Idea

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Perform Better Summit Day 2&3

Brett Jones - Another favorite presenter from the weekend. Coach Jones is one of the original kettlebell people, so naturally he spoke about 'Kettlebell Power'. Very smart guy, and also has a sense of humor. He talked about diff Kettlebell exercises, why to do them, how to do them etc. I also am a fan of Jones because he talked to me and my father about back surgery, how in some cases its a must. Not sure if I am one of those cases, but now my father is at least willing to listen.

Sue Falcone - I decided to go to Ms. Falcone because she was the only female presenter, and because she was a 'back person'. Unfortunatly, I could not find her to have a one-one convo with her. Ms. Falcone was very smart, and defitley loved the back.

Greg Rose - his hands on was different and interesting. I learned a bunch of new core/hip exercises that I had not seen before. Although, I am not a 'golf person' his lecture could work with any 'rotational sport' or just for core strength in general.

Lastly was the Q&A Session. This was not too great, few questions were asked and the answers were multiple and lengthy it was hard to keep track of who said what and what the question even was at times. However, it is something that needs to be done and is a great way to pull all the presenters together.

Day 3 - We only stayed for 2/3 presenters (had a long drive ahead, and dinner plans with our family.)

Lee Taft - need I say more on Lee? He is great, fast, smart. He is def the man for speed! I absolutely loved his hands on! We did some new drills that I never used. They were fun, and challanging, and they def worked! It was a little hard for me to do the multi directional stuff bc I have been moving fwrd and only fwrd for so long (haha), but it was fun to try. Huge, huge fan!

Michol Dalcourt - Another new and different hands on experience. We did a lot of interesting core exercises using bands. Things I would not have considered core, but they do work your core among other things. He talked about alternations by moving 'hand and foot print', angles, speed, resistance etc. I really enjoyed it. I never really thought how moving from a 'reg push up' to a 'staggered hand push up' changes the 'core muscles' that are being worked. Cool stuff!

Unfortunatly I had to miss Dave Jack's lecture on 'Coaching From Good to Bad' I heard good things about it though,and I do have the notes from the lecture, so I am not at complete loss.

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