You Think You Know - But You Have No Idea

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

MBSC Training Day 2

Day 2 of training is over and out.

We met today at 1030am to prepare for our workout. First thing we did was fill our P3 forms which are more or less a shoulder/knee/low back injury form.
After that we began our workout.

1. 15 minutes of rolling, stretching, and 'activation'. Rolling (hips/glutes/ad/ab ductors, back from low to high, lats/shoulder girdle) Stretches (hamstring on table, 'pigeon', hip flexor on box, partner adductor) Activation (grey cook hip lift, band circuit).

2. 15 mins of Dynamic Warmup (hah i felt like I was at track practice all over, except there were more men then women, and not everyone looked comfortable doing an A-skip. i guess we cant all be athletic track athletes in which these mvmnt patterns were based).

3. Lean Fall Run (to work on out first few steps of frwd sprint)

4. Day 1 Lift program (cleans, bw dowel jumps, ball ab rollouts) (chin ups, RFE 1 Leg squat what i call a bulgarian, side plank) this is where we stopped due to lack of time, but normally it would finish with... (TRX lunge/bulgarian, 1 leg SLDL, 1 arm 1 leg row, half kneeling stability lift)

Everything works in a circuit like fashion, there will be 3 stations with the 3-4 different exercises, and each station will have 1 athlete per exercise. They go through thier motion and when the whole group (9 athletes) is finished we shift on to the next 'section'/ segment. Kinda confusing, after the first week of athletes, if i survive ill elaborate more... if possible.

So, after our workout we had about 20 mins of dwn time, then the meeting began. We finished going over Day 1-4 lift programs. Then began to talk about the warmup segment, we got through stretching/rolling. Tomorrow we will talk about dynamic warmup (lateral/linear) and conditioning.

As for this, I am tired with a slightly sore back. Not sure how the summer is going to bode on my back problems. Talked to one of the coaches Evan, he is going to help me with some things this summer. We shall see.

In eneacht le neart (with strength in Irish Gaelic)


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