You Think You Know - But You Have No Idea

Friday, June 25, 2010

MBSC First Week

So MBSC opened up on monday for the summer session. And let me just say it was pretty crazy, luckily we have a huge staff (at least at the Woburn facility).

Day 1 - The intern house was scheduled to open. I was up at 5am to get ready. We arrived at the facility at 6:15 and began setting up for the first group 6:30am. The day went fairly smoothly but we were still confused, unorganized and there was a lack of communication. The intern house was there from 6:15am til about 5pm. At 1:30 we went through the workout as a group. I don't mind this so much, however I wish I could warm up and do conditioning on my own. No offense to whomever but slideboard or sideways sled pulls dont exactly carry over to track. I am more then willing to do/practice the lateral stuff, but I also want to be able to do my 'track' related stuff. So after our workout we tidied up a bit and then headed home for the night.

Day 2 - We 'opened' MBSC again. Similar to Day 1, but we were a little more organized and flowed a little better. Today instead of staying at assinged stations we went along wit diff coaches/groups. I got to work with a lot of different coaches and athletes so that was good. Don't think I have a preference as to who I'd like to work with/ be paired with starting next week. Again, we worked out around 130 and were free to go around 4.

Day 3 - Today we had a 12:30pm - close shift. Close is between 8-9 depending on how quickly the athletes are done and how quickly we clean afterwards. We were there past 9 :(. Nicole had a chit-chat with us afterwards just giving us some fedback. She had good fed back but I think she assumes some things without knowing the full story. Oh well. Between 12:30 and our workout I jsut sorta floated and did some tidying and house cleaning stuff. I felt there were too many coaches on the floor, most groups had 3 - 4 coaches. Today we had a shorter workout bc we did not get going until like 2pm. After the workout I took about 30 mins to shower/change/eat/relax. Then it was back to work. The afternoon is much slower which is good and bad. Toward the evening adult groups come in, so I worked with some of them helping Evan and Dave out. Cool people. the adult workouts are a little different, but still basically the same. I thought that was pretty neat.

Day 4 - We had the same shift as yesterday. Nicole was away so Jamie was in charge of us. I floated around between 12:30 and 1:30ish. Then around 2pm I latched on to a group of young boys. They were interesting haha. I worked primarily with Ryan 1 and 2. They were seasoned vets and fun to work with. The were my first 2day program so that was a little weird getting used to when 2 day programs are before or after a 4day, it can be confusing. After that I helped Marco with a group of hs boys, they were funny. After that I skipped around with a few more groups until I worked out at like 4. I did the program on my own except added some tredmil intervals after slideboard. Not very good at incline bench I have to admit, dont think I have ever done it. After my workout I just kinda floated around until it was time to start cleaning.

It is now the weekend and i can relax until like 5am on monday. By sunday I will know my schedule and which coach(es) I will be working with. I have worked with Megan, Nicole, Shaeff, Marco, Kevin C, Dave, Dan, Evan, and Sam. I have not worked with Bobbie, Kevin L, Anthony, Jamie, Kyle, Ben or Jenna (but i know they are way cool). I guess Kevin C, Dave, Dan or Evan would be my top choices all for different reasons. Each coach has their own style and I like bits and pieces of each.

I will try to write more after the weekend when I know the plan of action.

In eineacht le neart, (with strength)


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